Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Nan's 80th Birthday

At the end of the school holidays we went up to Armidale. Actually, before you ask, it wasn't too freezing! The kids went ten pin bowling for the first time and loved it. I managed to squeeze in an hour completely on my own to browse the lovely shops (and buy a handbag of course), Trevor bought two working dogs (Huntaways), and we all celebrated the 8oth birthday of my Nan.

Going home always makes me a little homesick, especially when everyone else is back,...... and the shopping is so bloody nice! Lol!

Cutting the cake.

11 out of 12 grandkids, and 6 great grandkids!

Nan and her 5 boys

Noelene "Bub" Wittig
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Sarah said...

Happy 80th Nan!!