Sunday, July 27, 2008

Some Soccer photos!

Prue and Bridie supporting their brothers and having fun together.

Lacho scored his first goal ever!!! It was also his team's first goal for the season. Well done Lacho!
Hamish loves his soccer, but I think he likes the extracurricular soccer activities more. How sweet is he?

Madam had to copy her brother, and yes, she looks cute.
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Anonymous said...

Hi Nicole
I haven't told you this before, your boys are really cute. Lachlan has such a mature face and I reckon its easy to see what he will look like as when he is older. Hamish, well he has such a cute little boy face! Aren't they chalk and cheese to look at! I am really into little boys, most of them anyway, having three of my own. Its easy, when you are not familiar with them, to be unaware of how vulnerable and innocent they are as their bravado and activity masks it.
Lovely boys, perfect for playing with my three in the yard whilst you have some time in Dubbo by yourself shopping!
