Tuesday, June 3, 2008

ahh, so proud (and no it is not nepotism!)

On Saturday the boys played soccer in Trangie. Lacho had a fantastic game and his coach chose him as player of the week!! Yay!

Hamish played the best he has ever played, whether it was the presence of his friend Alex in her first game back inspiring him, or because his Grandpa was watching, or just because it has all come together for him. Who knows, either way he had a brilliant game and came away with the trophy for most improved player of the week. Ahh..so proud!!!

Apart from soccer our week has been hectic. The boys had three birthday parties in five days, I spent two days and a night in Dubbo, and my husband held the fort! We have had dancing and soccer training and soccer and all the usual things, and it just keeps coming. This part time work, added with little boy and little girl activities adds up to a lot of time out of the house. That's okay though, the mice have me bluffed. Am quite happy to leave them to it!!!! For those of you who may be unaware, I have a true mouse phobia, or simple phobia (relating to rodents) as it would be known clinically. Farm living in general challenges my general anxiety levels at the best of times because of mice, let alone during periods of high mouse numbers. Erghhh, I have grossed myself out just typing the word, will stop now. Too awful. Too scary. Too stressful.

Gotta love glue traps though!!!!! Pity they are sold out in all supermarkets in Nyngan and Dubbo, and Brennans, and Bunnings...need I point out that I am obsessing? Bought one of those electronic ultrasonic doovies. Those things that you plug in to scare pests away?? My Dad uses one and I have hankered after one for many years but my husband has ALWAYS laughed at me, particularly when he noticed my Dad's unit had cobwebs over it, and it is meant to scare spiders as well as the mice. Oh well, I am now the proud owner of an ultra sonic doover thing, and he can go jump! I am earning my own money again buster!!!!!

Okay must go now before I bore you to tears. Bye!
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Neek said...

WELL DONE Donnelly Boys! :) :) :)

I have a severe phobia of mice - so the mouse plague several years ago nearly had me moving house! On top of the snake in the kitchen - I should be dead from heart failure.

The joys of farming life my Hubby tells me! :)

Kyla said...

I could have leant you my ultrasonic mousey device. Trevor's right!!! They don't work....
I'm going to a seminar tonight with Sue Dengate. Can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

Good on you for going back to work part time. As I always say, part time work if fabulous when you have little kids. I am sure your interest in your proffesional will rekindle in coming months. I bet there will be heaps more confrontations, serious or not, where you tell Trevor that you earn't it so you can have it!

Nicky E