Tuesday, June 10, 2008

B---dy Pyzam

So glad that I just spent all that time uploading a new template that seems to be a complete strain on the eyes! Oh well, too tired now. Will just leave the bloody thing there for a few days. I knew that I should have picked the blue one. Nothing wrong with sticking with blue. Everyone should have a favourite colour, and blue is mine, much as I would change it.

P.S 38 mls here yesterday. Lovely.

Edited: Ahh, just changed the text colour. How very brilliant of me!!! Will do for a while!


Kyla said...

Not quite as hard on the eye's as the candy pink stars & stripes. At least you are changing yours..... don't get sick of the green garden on mine anytime soon. It is here for a while yet!!

Nicole said...

Well the candy pink stars and stripes didnt start out that way. They mysteriously transformed after a few days, and ever since then the Pyzam link on my blog didnt work until i decided to manually enter the website tonight. So yes, apologies for the stars and stripes,they weren't my original intention! I like your, was onsidering stealing it! I am on Hi5,another social site,. Alot of my OS friends (latino) are on it. My Hi5 skin is a very lovely blue on, but that sint compatible with blogger. Boo hoo.

Nicole said...

Well the candy pink stars and stripes didnt start out that way. They mysteriously transformed after a few days, and ever since then the Pyzam link on my blog didnt work until i decided to manually enter the website tonight. So yes, apologies for the stars and stripes,they weren't my original intention! I like your, was onsidering stealing it! I am on Hi5,another social site,. Alot of my OS friends (latino) are on it. My Hi5 skin is a very lovely blue on, but that sint compatible with blogger. Boo hoo.