Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"germs Mummy".....

Today I went somewhere for the first time since Prue has been toilet trained without taking wipes? As we were heading to tap dancing (which the boys LOVE), I noticed that Prue's face was filthy. I actually resorted to the old "Mummy Spit", which I have probably done all of 3 times as a mother.
Would you believe that the little madam pushed me away and squealed "germs".


Why me? Surely there are placid kids out there somewhere who were meant to end up at my house.


Anonymous said...

I'll pay that one!

Nicole said...

Is that you Neralie??? Hmm???

Neek said...

ahhhh ...... Kids! Say the darn'est things don't they!! LOL

Neek said...
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Anonymous said...

No, not me Nicole! That couldn't be the same litle girl at dancing yesterday who looked so cute in her dress!

Kyla said...

Hi Neralie. Yes, Nicole - I'm sure I took the wrong kids home from the hospital as well. That is something (mummy spit) that I have vowed never to do!!

Amie said...

LMAO Nic, that is so funny... you can tell she has older brothers at school!!!

See you tomorrow :o)

Anonymous said...

I vowed when I was 6 I would never resort to 'mummy spit' and cringe every time I do!! Don't they make you feel loved!!?!