Thursday, February 28, 2008

Desperate to be a big kid!

In addition to not wanting to miss school for the wiggles, Lachlan is craving "big kid" status in other ways. Today, after school, he announced to me whilst ravishing an apple, that "if you eat lots of apples your teeth will fall out". This puzzled me as a) apples are good for you and your teeth, and b) Lacho LOVES apples. He lives on apples (as did I when pregnant with him and Hamish). So as I was staring at him, about to reiterate that apples are good for you, he took another massive bite with much enthusiasm, still with a wild grin on his face, and said " Will says if you eat lots of apples your teeth will fall out". Finally the penny was dropping. All of the kindy kids it seems, except for Hamish and Lachlan, are losing their first (or second or third) teeth.
I asked him did he want his teeth to fall out and he said "yes, because then I will be a big kid too, and will be able to poke my tongue out through the whole". It made me so sad, but he was still happily crunching away at the apple. His friend Will apparently informed him with much reliability that if you eat lots of apples for 200 days your teeth will fall out. I tried to explain that Will's teeth probably would have fallen out in that time anyway as they do so when they are ready, but Lacho could not be distracted, and proceeded to rattle off the names of all of his class mates, including some first graders, whose teeth have fallen out, as a result of eating apples. Well who can argue with that logic. I don't want their teeth to fall out, they are so handsome and beautiful just the way they are! Thank goodness Hamish's best friend still has all of her teeth!


Kyla said...

I hope his first tooth loss isn't like poor old Jack's (re: blog post of him having his first one knocked out by a child no longer at his school!!), wait until one of his upper central's falls out & you have school photo's coming up soon!!

Neek said...

Don't fret - my Hamish's didn't fall out until Year 1! He was desperate!!! LOL

And just in time for the SJS school photo day too! LOL

Leah-in-the-Kia said...

Laine is 7 and 3 months and has not a loose tooth in his head! All there nice and strong much to his disgust! He is waiting for the first one to fall out thinking the tooth fairy will leave at least $5!