Monday, March 17, 2008

Easter tradition challenge

I have been the lucky recipient of two lovely little gifties from bloggers, and in the spirit of RAK , had wondered what I could offer as I am not crafty. Today I was talking to my Dad and feeling a little nostalgic, and had an idea. I would love to hear about other people's easter traditions, and will choose one in some random manner to receive a gifty from me!

The reason for my nostalgia is that my Dad told me he is busy working towards the annual northern NSW vintage car rally, being held in Armidale this year. Now this sounds boring, and when I was a kid I thought it was. My Dad is a vintage car enthusiast, and every easter there was a rally somewhere in the state to attend. Off we would go in our 1928 Buick, freezing cold with blankets, or stinking hot. I always wanted to go somewhere normal, like my friends. Sydney, the beach, camping, anywhere! But as I got older I missed what we had, our whole family, together, doing familiar things in different places, with the same other families every year. The adults were all friends, and the kids were all friends, for 2-3 nights you would spend time in a motel with your "club", going in each others cars, swimming in motel pools, doing the whole vintage car thing! My uncles, aunts and cousins were also involved. As I said, back then I hated it, or maybe I loved it and was just embarrased by how kitch it really is.

We were always the family that ran late. Luckily Wittig brother number 5 soon took over from Wittig brother number 1 (my Dad) as the family always late, when his little kids came along. The whole Armidale club would be waiting at the meeting point for the Wittig family to arrive on good Friday morning to take off on the long journey, to support each other in case of break downs or road rage from people who hated convoys of slow vintage cars! Apart from the fact that we were just plain good at being late, we were also probably still indulging in our other Good Friday breakfast tradition. Pan -fried oyster patties!! My Maltese mother used to buy the fresh bottled oysters, use the water from the bottle to make the batter, dip each oyster in it, cook, add a dash Worcestershire sauce (not sure if that is very Maltese!) and Bob's yer uncle! My husband nearly vomited when introduced to this tradition. I never cook it here.

When I married Trevor, Easter became almost a non-event. Trevor is normally sowing, ploughing, or in times of drought, feeding cattle. Nothing different, just an annoying time to him because he has to give his station hand time off for public holidays, meaning he has to do all of the work. I stay at home alone, with the kids, not wanting to leave him alone at Easter (should change that idea!). I have been very sad and resentful at Easter the last few (7) years.

This year we have been invited to a Sunday brunch for Easter!! I am looking forward to it so much. Although a 9am start for brunch seems a tad extreme!!!!!!!! Regardless of having something to look forward to for once, while talking to my Dad, I almost wish that I was there helping him do silly things at the vintage car rally.


Kelley xx said...

Hi Nicole isn't it funny you don't realise how much you enjoy something until it is gone. It sounds like you use to have lots of fun as a kid at easter. Reading this makes me think about my easter now we really don't have a special thing that we do which makes me sad so I better start thinking of someway to make each easter a special one so my kids can remember it as a really happy time. The down side to this easter is that Stephen will be working just so I can go to Sydney to see the concert but his parents are coming so that SHOULD be nice.

P.S love the blog I will send you an invite to my boring one

Neek said...

Well I cannot say that we have a tradition here.....but as a kid raised in a rather strict catholic home - Easter was usually taken up with Holy Thursday mass; Good Friday Mass; Easter Mass & then easter lunch with my Grandma. That was it.

I try to attend all the church services now - but with a mixed religion marriage it makes it quite hard at times.

However, we do have a tradition with Janet and girls. We do a joint easter egg hunt each year which the kids love and look forward to. This year we are doing a paddock bbq & egg hunt! :)

Kyla said...

Nic, how cool would it be for you & the kids to do the rally with your dad....given that Trevor is tied up with farm work. We don't have any traditions either. Most Easter's are spent going out there, but as it's not holidays yet - the trip will be next month. My Uncle used to stay he hated being on the road at Easter with every other idiot. My most memorable Easter was my Dad bringing over the biggest basket of Mummy chook & a dozen chocolate chickens. It took me a month to eat it, but it was certainly memorable. Mum hit the roof when he showed up with it - but that was my dad. Generous to a fault. Thanks for you comments about mum. I'll update in a day or two. Really busy over the next couple of days.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicole
Have you thought of starting your own tradition? It maybe simply cooking a special breakfast for the family eg, ham and eggs, pancakes,(whatever the budget allows) Let the kids all talk to your father early morning about Easter (both party's would enjoy)and a simple (easy to repeat every year)special treat, eg picnic, vidio, Easter dress up concert, visit to the Dubbo Zoo, go to church, etc, whatever suits your family. I promise you kids love tradition even if it is very simple and this is the type of thing that stays with them for years. Enjoy this Easter.

Anonymous said...

Just enjoy the time with your family.
In years to come you will appreciate the time spent together.
I think that life is too short to worry about traditions all the time.
Just enjoy while you can.
Have a great Easter
Cheers !!

Amie said...

Hey Nic, LOL I may as well be married to a farmer.... Salts shift work for the last 6 months has had him work on nearly every public holiday so we can't plan anything special to do. I would love to be one of those families that goes water skiing, I think we would probably go camping or fishing or out to the westons if Salt were at home this weekend.

My tradition is hotcross buns for breakfast..... followed by eating lots and lots of chocolate :o)
Hope your having a lovely weekend and enjoy your brunch tomorrow.
Hugs Amie xx

Leah-in-the-Kia said...

Our family tradition is the easter bunny leaves millions and I mean millions of little eggs all over the "Square back", (the square yard near the house - the kids call the square back). Early easter sunday morning the kids all have a basket and collect as many eggs as they can find. each year as they get older it gets rougher. Last year there were a few head high tackles and ankle tapping happening, so we had to have Tim stand in the yard and be the referee, letting the little kids have a fair go. It is raining tonight, so I am not sure if the bunny will leave the eggs in the square back or not! we will have to wait and see!