Friday, February 8, 2008

Sports day!!!!!!

Last school photos for a while, I promise. The boys in all of their (very white) sports glory. This is the day that they have been waiting for, particularly Lachlan. No school today, St Joseph's has their swimming carnival and the kindy kids (and their teacher) have a break. We are at home trying to do some jobs that are well overdue. Lachlan did try and convince me that the kindy kids were allowed to go to the swimming carnival, and that the teachers would meet them there. Yeah right!
The grass in the front yard was about 1.5 feet high (seriously), after all of the rain this weekend while we were away. It is done now, but the edges still look a bit wild. I am thinking of resorting to Roundup. I have just spider-sprayed the inside of the cubby (and am now having a rest on the computer while I recover from the fumes and get over the constant feeling of spiders down my shirt). Just as well that I decided to do that today, as there was a nasty redback waiting for me, hanging at kiddy head height form the centre of the roof. I have cleaned the verandah and swept away the remnants of my roses that the blue cattle dog pups completely destroyed when they got out of their enclosure and moved into the house yard while we were away. Now I have to start on the inside of the house. We have actually been so busy painting rooms and socialising over the holidays that not much house cleaning actually got done here in January.

Well I had best get to that housework, as we are heading into town this afternoon to enrol the boys in dancing! Tap I think.
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Neek said...

Oh look at those white shirts and joggers!! Take a really good look Nic!! They wont be like that after next Thursday.

And a hint from someone who has two boys that wear those same exact shirts !! Don't do lunch orders on a Thursday! They always end up with a chocolate iceblock down the front of them and your still soaking the bloody things on Wednesday night the next week! Trust me.....! I go through 2 sports shirts per boy each year nearly! It drives me nuts!! :)

The boys will LOVE tap... the little boys tap group is cute, rowdy and so darn loveable on stage. This will be my Hamish's 3rd year in it and Luke's 5th or 6th I think.... It is so good to see boys dancing in this town!

Kyla said...

Good luck on Spidey-patrol. I've got to get in & do it here too. Found a huge Red back in Jack's gumboot the other day. Didn't even bother spraying, just chucked it out!!