Monday, February 18, 2008


Last week a question from the boys in the car on the way to the bus threw me into a panic. It was a religious question, and given we have chosen to send our children to a catholic school I guess that there will be more of them. As a lapsed catholic married to a lapsed anglican, with complicated (and unclear) thoughts on religion, we chose the school more for it's educational merits and community rather than religious point of view. So this moment was always going to come. I just wasn't ready for it on the 4th morning of their school career. What did I really believe? What are my views. How am I going to support the boys in this environment in a balanced way? I headed home to trusty google, of course.

My first search brought up a blog, of all things, where a 16 year old boy has been allowed to post in his Mum's blog, his views on attending a christian school. While I did certainly get some direction on my thoughts, it was actually my ever-brilliant and trusty sister-in-law who helped verbalise the very thoughts and beliefs that I have, but had never managed to conceptualise. Thank you Marea, you are the best sister-in-law a girl could have.

The other thing that I discovered in this morning google search though, was a whole new world of blogging! The blog that I first visited is part of

Here you will discover many blogs, forums, blogologists (? blog consultants apparently), tips on how to earn money from blogging. Many of these blogs are very high-brow and intellectual indeed, and one even stated "here you will find no cooking or crafts" (that one isn't for most of you then!), but slowly as I explored I found several that I liked, and that some of you may like as well. I found one Canadian woman blogger/photographer/farmer who posts photos of cattle, scenery, kids, hubby and the new western boots that she is coveting, and I thought of Monique. This woman actually does photographic lessosn in her blogs, and seems to me (and my non-photographic mind) to be quite good. I will find the link again. Amie may also find her interesting. Others are just Mums like us, but not like us, living in inner city Melbourne or Sydney, going to book launches and shopping at Leona Edmonston (Okay, so not like us), they discuss current affairs more than kids, and seem to be very caught up I the whole aussieblogger network. I think that there are many more that I haven't found yet that may be more my scene. Don't worry, I am not about to abandon my normal style of blog, nor do I have any feelings of inferiority, just sharing a new avenue for finding some interesting blogs.

Thinking about these blogs has made me decide to spare you all the numbing details of my intended blog post, that being my frustrations with our leaky fridge that freezes everything.....


Neek said...

Yep - the religious questions will come and will come thick and fast as various "celebrations" are happening! :)

My world is I am the only Catholic in my family! My DH and kids are all Anglican - but as I am the only parent who deals with the school - and I grew up in the Catholic enviornment - that is where I Wanted the kids to go - it was my comfort zone.

Ever need questions answered - LMK! :)

Yes - there are some good blogs out there... will find that one about the Canadian photographer!

I have a cool blog I stalk regularly that is my guilty pleasure of a "ranchers" wife in the States. She is brilliant and I love her blog!