How did this happen?? We have no idea. All we know is that Prue appeared with a head full of burrs! It made for an interesting big hair style, and a fair bit of drama getting them out.
I haven't posted lately as, really, not much has been happening. Sorry "L". I have one thought as to who L is, but a clue would be great!!!!
I was going to put the sibling photo from preschool on as everyone else was showing theirs off. The three kids look great. However, something seems to be wrong with my printer so I cannot scan it. The one thing that has been happening in our house is an obsession with hair, Lacho likes to style his, Prue hates having hers brushed so it becomes a drama, and Hamish is a whole new kettle of fish that we are learning.
At the other end of the spectrum from feral Prue and her burrs, here is Hamish being a very good boy, regardless of the fact that the whole family keeps laughing at him (with you baby, laughing with you). Since having his grommets in means he cannot get water in his ears, he wears earplugs and a swimming cap in the bath. Once or twice a week we get brave (we'll get more confident), and ditch the cap and put this baby thingamabob on so that we can wash his hair. Prue and Lachlan then get in on the act and like to wear it, and everyone has a chuckle. Sadly it doesn't fit Mum or Dad's heads (phew)
oooh, I spent 30 minutes this morning brushing out the Princesses hair that hadn't been done since Friday!! Burrs, knots galore... It was horrendous!
I did not think they made those things anymore, he looks like something out of memoirs of a geisha! Go For it anyway Hamish, you certainly are a unique and possibly gifted in the field of theatre media. By the way Nic, I heard you were a tad unwell last week and may have had a bit of ummm ummm sunstroke? Next time, wear a hat and sunscreen and you may not get
I love that thing on Hamish's head. Alex would probably wear that to preschool in lieu of the compulsory hat (which she loathes).
Those burrs look both horrendous and familiar. Alex wasn't well endowed in the hair department, but the little she has always has at least one little burr nestled in it.
I threatened Allyce with Dad's hair clippers yesterday. If she want's to be a drama queen about the hair, I would love to remove the drama. I'm just hoping Jack didn't hear me....he may take matters into his own hands!!
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