Thursday, May 15, 2008

Anonymous who????

Since I started my blog, I have had a handful of loyal readers. Never will I reach the status of one of these blogs that everyone talks about, but I know who my loyal readers are, and I appreciate everyone of you who is kind enough to make lovely comments about my kids and our little life.
Occasionally there has been comments left anonymously, and I wonder incessantly who these secret squirrels might be. My blog is completely open. Sometimes I think of increasing the security, but then, I love the idea of my anonymous readers, I just wish I knew who they were! Does that make sense? Every now and then I think that perhaps I know who these anonymous people are, then I think that I really have no idea! A few months back I had decided that the next time I received an anonymous comment I would write a post asking said anonymous person if I know them, and if perhaps, they would like to share their identity with us, it would be great!

Then, just as I had this thought, I didn't hear from any of my semi-regular secretive types for a while, until now...
So please, consider letting us know who you are. At least for the friendship and sense of belonging that comes into our little blog land, if not to satisfy my curiosity!


Neek said...

Nic - I just want to say what a wonderful photo you have of yourself there! woooohooo who is looking good!

(PS: Was going to leave it as an anonymous comment! to tease you!! LOL)

Kyla said...

I agree, Neek. I too was going to say the new profile pic looks good. I think there is some box that you can tick in your settings to prevent people from leaving anonymous comments. At least you are blogging, I have lost all my mojo!

Nicole said...

Thanks for the compliments girls!
Kyla I did consider setting my blog to require an identity, but you know what? I kind of like my anonymous commentors, I just wish I knew who they were!!!! Does that make sense???
I had noticed your lack of blogging mojo Kyla, hop to it!

Kyla said...

That was the thing that I missed when I went private because of a relative I wish just buggered off! I lost a reader who came to my blog via Nic E. And I only realised that she was a reader when I had a blow up about said relative.
And seriously, I have so little going on here at the moment!!!! Oh, look. I've caught it now too!!!

Anonymous said...

All I can say to you Nicole, as well as you Kyla, and I may be wrong... but I blame my mother entirely!

Nicky Eggleton

Kyla said...

Nicky E, if your mum wants I can send an access to her. I was actually talking about Sandy who left a lovely positive comment on my blog the day before I banned all relatives who cause trouble!

The McLaughlin family said...

I got a comment from TV de Plasma the other day. Who the hell is that?

Nicole said...

Abigail I think they are pam from Brazilian internet and pay tv providers, i get them too.

Nicole said...

Abigail I think they are pam from Brazilian internet and pay tv providers, i get them too.