Hamish, Lachlan, Sophie, and Emma with Beryl form BBM
Although Girilambone has one more playgroup session before xmas, today was the last day that all of our "graduates" will be there. Lachlan and Hamish, along with Emma and Sophie, are all off to big school next year. My boys have been going to BBM since they were about 10 months old or younger, Emma since she was 12 months old, and Sophie moved to town when she was 18 months old. They have always gotten on well together (well... mostly) and will make a big hole in the Giri session when they grow up and leave us! Today we had a special cake with all of their initials on it, and Beryl presented each of them with a certificate.
I still remember the first time we ventured to Giri for bush mobile. New motherhood was still proving a tad stressful and I didn't really know anyone at Giri, but had been asked by BBM to enrol in that session instead of the Nyngan one that I had planned to attend (twins do boost numbers!). So I nervously arrived carrying my two little sleepy men, prematurely dragged from their morning naps especially, and we walked in to find a lovely little school yard.....covered in kangaroo poo! Every square inch of it covered! It was the height of the drought (or so we thought back then) and the local kangaroos had resorted to feasting on the school lawn each night. The other Mums had bigger, more self-sufficient kids, so were already seated in the shade well away from the kangaroo poo. The baby mat however, with all of the lovely toys, was situated smack bang in the middle of roo poo central. I plonked the boys on the baby mat with all of the toys, and spent a fairly tedious and lonely 2 hours dragging them back as each one crawled off different sides of the mat to reach the grass. We had no grass at home at the time and they were fascinated. Upon reaching the grass, they insisted on putting these small brown things that were literally every where in their mouths. You guessed it, Kangaroo poo!!! When I got home Trevor asked me who I met and what all the gossip was. I rather tearfully informed him that I didn't meet anyone, or hear any goss, because I spent my whole time on the baby mat stopping the boys from eating poo.
Since then a lot has changed. I have made friends, and the Giri Mums are some of my biggest supports. The the kids have grown, and can do more for themselves, and BBM at Girilambone is a much anticipated part of all of our schedules. Luckily, I still have Prue to take, and she is way past the poo eating stage...I hope.
ahhh, BBM....! :) I have finished too - after 7 years of BBM - Jade is finished as she will clash with preschool next year. Sad - but time to move on I guess..
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