Well some of you may know that we have had a very bad run of bad luck with Jack Russel puppies.
About 3.5 years ago, I decided that a) the boys needed a pet, b) I miss having a little dog, and c) as I was pregnant with Prue I certainly would not be keen to spend the whole summer outside supervising the boys, and a snake might get them, so... they needed a Jack Russel (known snake killers that they are!).
Well, we got a lovely little smooth haired boy who the boys named ... JACK. After a rocky start (he followed vehicles to the main road 3 times and got picked up by passers-by, but always was returned) Jack became everyone's best mate. When he wasn't on the trampoline or slippery dip with the boys, he was in the work ute with Trevor or his Dad.
Sadly after 2.5 years of a completely snake-free house yard, we were all in our little pool one day when Jack started barking. He had a snake, but it got him and he died. We were so sad, we had to replace him straight away, with another little man that we named.... JACK (suprise). That little Jack was so handsome, but after about a month he started following the work dogs (as they do) and got run over by the semi-trailer. We were all very sad until the Marr family came to our rescue with Andy. Thinking that Jack was an unlucky name, we decided to stick with the Marr children's choice of "Andy", named after their uncle apparently, and life was good again. Little Andy fitted in well, loved the kids and picked on the kelpie pups. Sadly, he picked one too many fights, and died, possibly after his windpipe was injured when fighting the much bigger kelpie pups.
Just as we were giving up on the whole pet thing, a new puppy came our way, and we named him....Jock! (Come on, it is different). As we were going on holidays we asked the people who he came from to mind him for a week. When we went to pick him up today...the little bugger had run away! The kids were crying, I was feeling very low, when we got a phone call! The lovely Donna Pumpa had found him wondering the streets of Nyngan!!! We are very happy, but wondering why we don't pick a breed less likely to get into mischief and strife!
Thankyou to Julie for caring for him, we are so sorry that he worried you so. Thankyou also to Donna and Belinda for finding him!
You have certainly been very busy! :)
Welcome back! Yes, you have been busy.
My dad had a J.R. named "Target" as he had a bullseye in the centre of his forehead. When dad died, Rod Herbert said that Target was going to live with him. I didn't argue, as at that stage of my grief I couldn't have given a fig what happened to the dog. Luckily though, as Target was a particularly pigheaded dog who had absolutely no respect for women & would not do a thing I or Lisa told him to do. Bloody little terriers. They really do have a small dog syndrome!
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