Sunday, December 23, 2007

Quick update

Just a quick update. We have had a few concerned people ringing, thinking that we are flooded in.

Although we are choosing to not venture on the road again at the moment, we did get out yesterday. We had two teenage babysitters who wanted to get home! So we all piled into the landcruiser which is quite high off the ground and has a snorkel, and with Trevor driving (I certainly wouldn't attempt it on my own!), it was slow, tedious and slightly touch and go, but do-able.

The house isn't flooded as we have two pumps going round the clock pumping the water out of the levee bank. We are just staying put for now to avoid un-necessary strandings, and to keep an eye on things, as we expect there to be more water still running from up the road.

Anyway, thankyou to anyone who has been worried about us, we are dry in the house and can get out in an emergency.

Merry Christmas to everyone!


Kyla said...

Keep us posted & stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing and thanks for letting other mothers know how normal they are with their day to day coping with kids.
Nicole your blog is not just an interesting blog to read but also a bright light for many mothers who feel they are struggling to keep their head above water. Your post some time ago about others finding the house a mess reminds me of when my eldest was about four and my father going crock on me when they were looking after her and her grandmother commented that she could hear someone coming and my daughter started to run around picking things up and trying to tidy the lounge room.(long sentence!)
We are all in the same boat. Have a wonderful Christmas and please keep posting in 2008. L.

Sarah said...

Hi Nic

Posting all the way from the beautiful South Coast where it is beautiful weather. Fantastic to see that you have has rain, probably a little too much but rain never the less. Have a lovely Christmas, I imagine Christmas morning is going to be absolutely insane with 3 kids but i am sure you will all have a happy day.
Love Nurse Nyngan xoxo

Anonymous said...

O.K, your draging the chain, how did Christmas go?

Kyla said...

Yes, I agree with anon. P.S. Where do you get your templates from? I am a bit bored with mine, but can't find any blogger ones I like (& I am so not as clever as Nurse Nyngan for her's!)

Nicole said...

Kyla, I am not creative either. My template is a blogger one called sand dollar. I just fiddle with the colours, sometimes with better results than others. i did the prple and black in a rush. thought it looked a bit crap myself, then again I hate purple!!!!

Kyla said...

Well done on uploading the template. I too considered "lotus", but chose "garden" instead. I love Leah's as well.