Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Recently we went to "A Day on the Green" at the lovely Oakley Winery in Mudgee, formerly Poets Corner. We went along on the Sunday, the second day put on after the saturday was a sellout, and it was really a very family friendly day, much more than the Saturday seems to have been. We went along with Trevor's sister Marea, her partner Graeme, and Trevor's nephew Matt. Matt started spending time up here with "uncle Trev" every school holidays from about age 14, Now at 20, he and Trevor are mates these days rather than uncle and nephew, and enjoy spending time together. Our friends Angela and Cass came form Nyngan as well, so we had a nice little group, with PLENTY of food between us. Our picnic feast was almost embarrassing, but we never spent any money all day (except on the lovely wine that is). We had oysters and prawns, and bbq chickens and fresh breadrolls, avocados and salad and more cheese and dips than you could poke a stick at. Luckily for me and my WW endeavours, Marea had included lots of yummy raw vegies for me to use with the dips, instead of crackers. (Pity about the actual dips though!)
Anyway, enough about the food! The musicians on the day were Mahalia Barnes (Jimmy's daughter- quite good actually), Deborah Conway who is an old fav of mine, Richard Clapton, Marea and Graeme's favourite (different generation, he he), and of course, the man himself, Jimmy Barnes. Trevor is a big fan although has decided that none of his music of the last 10 years, or really since he left Chisel, has much merit. Disillusioned Trevor?? So all in all there was someone for everyone, except poor Hamish who asked after Richard Clapton "Exactly when is Dora coming on"? Poor little man thought that we were at the much anticpated Dora the Explorer concert, and that those jokers up on stage were just the support acts!

It did rain at one stage early on, but then the sun came out, and dried up all the rain, as they say. We all looked good in our garbage bag ponchos for a while there!

Luckily there was also free jumping castle and face painting, and what else do three preschoolers really want. After lining up for an hour for the boys face painting while Prue was asleep, I couldn't be bothered again when she woke up, so convinced her Mummy could do exactly the same job with lipstick. I was armed with 4 lipsticks from my bag, and Prue never guessed that they were all the same colour!!! I think the photo at the end of the day shows three happy, but very tired little kiddies.
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Kyla said...

I'd love to attend one of those, one year. They have a great one in the Hunter Valley too.

How funny is it that we have similar tastes in TV. Having watched it all last year, there will be more than one sex scene - usually every episode. I suppose that's why they put it on so late. But it is extremely funny.